The protective agent ESS-304 is a weakly acidic after-treatment agent, which can prevent the discoloration and melting of copper-tin products and extend the storage time of the products. Improve the corrosion resistance of the coating, suitable for high-speed plating, hanging plating, rolling plating or tin alloy process.
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GX-306 is an effective post-process treatment, is weakly alkaline, is an environmentally friendly green product, can form a layer of water-repellent film on the surface of the tin layer, can block the contact of the tin with the external corrosive media and discolouring, and water-repellent film can effectively promote the welding function, greatly improve the ability of the tin coating to resist salt spray, the surface of the tin layer after treatment is smooth, without leaving fingerprints, more suitable for long-term storage. It does not easy to fade away.
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Steel strip de-tinning fluid ESS-510
Electrolytic stripping solution ESS-510 is an acidic halogen-free electrolytic stripping product, mainly used in semiconductors, and chip electroplating lines to quickly strip the tin metal on stainless steel, and its advantages can completely strip the tin metal on the steel strip, leaving no residue. The solution is less sludge and does not contain halogen. The corrosion of stainless steel is minimal, which is conducive to the activation of steel strip
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