What are the methods to ensure the effect of electronic plating?

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The methods to ensure the effect of electronic plating mainly include the following aspects:

The methods to ensure the effect of electronic plating mainly include the following aspects:
Control the formulation and concentration of the plating solution: The formulation and concentration of the plating solution will directly affect the quality, so it is necessary to adjust the formulation and concentration of the plating solution according to different coating requirements. To ensure the stability of quality.
Control the temperature of the plating solution: The temperature of the plating solution is also an important factor affecting the quality. In general, the higher the temperature of the plating solution, the faster the plating rate, but it will also increase hydrogen embrittlement and bubbles. Therefore, it is necessary to control the temperature of the plating solution.
Strictly control the electroplating process: the control of the electronic electroplating process also has a great impact on the quality, and it needs to be operated in strict accordance with the process flow, especially in the pre-treatment and after cleaning and other links need to be carefully handled.
Use suitable raw materials: The quality of raw materials will also affect the effect, and the use of suitable raw materials can effectively improve the quality.
Maintenance and maintenance of the equipment: Regular maintenance and maintenance of the equipment, including cleaning electrodes and electroplating tanks, can ensure the stability of the equipment and the stability of the quality of electronic electroplating.